- Please note that our providers cannot attest to FMLA needs or disability conditions if you are not an established patient of AllCare. It is the providers discretion if they are comfortable signing such documentation.
- Please permit two weeks to provide you or another provider your medical records.
- If you contend that your records are incorrect or incomplete, please provide a written request that is signed and dated by the patient to legal@allcare-family.com . The request must include:
· The date of the notation in the medical record that is to be updated,
· The section of the chart that is to be updated, and
· The updated statement that is to be included in the medical record.
- Please be aware that federal regulations permit AllCare to deny amendments to the medical record if,
· The medical record at issue was not created by AllCare
· Is not a part of the legal medical record, or
· If we believe the amendment is not complete and/or accurate.
Within 60 days of receiving your request, we will advise you of our decision and, if denied, we will provide you an explanation of our decision.