Urgent Care UTI Testing & Treatment

AllCare provides comprehensive care for urinary tract infections, ensuring patients receive the necessary diagnosis and treatment without lengthy wait times. Our team of experienced medical professionals is well-versed in identifying and addressing UTIs, making urgent care an excellent choice for those seeking prompt relief.

Common Symptoms of UTIs

Urinary tract infections can manifest with symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to severe pain. Awareness of the common signs and symptoms can help you recognize when it’s time to seek medical attention. Some of the most common signs of UTIs include:

● Frequent or Urgent Need to Urinate
● Burning Sensation During Urination
● Cloudy Urine
● Lower Abdominal Pain
● Strong or Foul-Smelling Urine
● Fever or Chills

UTI Testing & Treatment Services Offered

Lab Testing
Prescription Medications
UTI Education
Regular Check-ups and Monitoring
Specialist Referrals

What Causes a UTI?

UTIs occur when bacteria gain entry into the urinary tract. This can happen due to a variety of factor such as:

  • Bacterial Infection: The most common cause of UTIs is an infection by bacteria, such as Escherichia coli (E. coli), which can enter the urinary tract through the urethra.
  • Improper Hygiene: Poor hygiene practices, such as wiping from back to front after using the toilet (for women), can introduce bacteria into the urinary tract.
  • Sexual Activity: Certain sexual activities, such as unprotected intercourse or the use of spermicides, can increase the risk of UTIs by introducing bacteria into the urinary tract.
  • Structural Abnormalities: Anatomical or structural abnormalities in the urinary tract, such as kidney stones or an enlarged prostate, can obstruct urine flow and increase the risk of UTIs.
  • Weakened Immune System: Individuals with compromised immune systems, such as those undergoing chemotherapy or with certain medical conditions like diabetes, are more susceptible to UTIs.
  • Catheter Use: Catheters, tubes inserted into the bladder to drain urine, can increase the risk of UTIs by providing a direct pathway for bacteria to enter the urinary tract.
  • Pregnancy: Hormonal changes and pressure from the growing fetus during pregnancy can increase the risk of UTIs in women.

The Importance of Urgent Care for UTIs

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common and often uncomfortable condition that can strike anytime. When the symptoms arise, it’s crucial to seek prompt medical attention to prevent the infection from worsening and causing further complications, such as kidney or prostate infections.

At AllCare, our main priority is providing comprehensive primary and urgent care for patients with urinary tract infections. Our providers are knowledgeable in effectively managing UTIs and prioritize working closely with each patient to develop a customized treatment plan. Through this collaborative effort, our team empowers patients to make informed decisions regarding their overall health.

How to Receive UTI Treatment at AllCare?

You can easily get treatment for urinary tract infections by scheduling an appointment at AllCare. Below are some easy steps to follow:

  • Book an Appointment Online: Schedule a time with AllCare that works with your schedule. Let us know the symptoms that you are experiencing as well as relevant medical history.
  • Receive Your Personalized Treatment Plan: Our team of healthcare experts will evaluate your symptoms, perform any necessary examinations, request labs, and develop a tailored treatment plan based on the severity of your UTI.
online doctor visit

Online Doctor Visits and Telehealth Services

Experience the convenience of telehealth appointments at AllCare. Our telemedicine services are designed to provide you with seamless access to healthcare without the need to leave your home. Whether you need an online doctor’s appointment for immediate or primary care, AllCare’s got you covered. With our online telehealth services currently available to individuals located in Virginia, Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Georgia, you can connect with our experienced urgent and primary care physicians via secure video calls.

At AllCare, we are expanding our virtual healthcare access to all services previously offered in person. This includes:

Frequently Asked Questions About Treatment of UTIs

01 What are the main treatment options for UTIs?

Once a urinary tract infection has been diagnosed, there are a range of effective treatment options tailored to your specific needs, including antibiotics and pain relief medication. Other recommendations include increased fluid intake and supportive care, such as warm compresses, good hygiene, and avoiding irritants.

02 How long does a UTI test take?

The turnaround time for receiving UTI test results can vary depending on the specific tests ordered and the clinic’s capabilities. However, our facilities are designed to provide prompt and efficient care, ensuring you receive your results as quickly as possible. You can expect to receive a diagnosis of a UTI before you leave our office.

03 How do you prevent a UTI?

To lower your risk of contracting a urinary tract infection, make sure you are drinking an ample amount of fluids each day, empty your bladder regularly, urinate before and after sexual intercourse, and always wipe from front to back. Probiotics and other supplements may be helpful as well.

04 Will a UTI go away on its own?

UTIs can sometimes resolve on their own, particularly if it is a mild case and you have a strong immune system. However, it is important to remember while some UTIs may clear up without treatment, many do not and can worsen over time. Untreated UTIs can lead to more severe infections, such as kidney infections, which can pose serious health risks. This is why we always recommend you seek medical attention if symptoms of a UTI appear.

05 Are UTIs contagious?

UTIs themselves are not contagious in the traditional sense, as they cannot be transmitted from person to person through touching or sharing utensils. However, the bacteria that cause UTIs, primarily E. coli, can be introduced into the urinary tract through certain activities, particularly sexual intercourse. This means that while you cannot “catch” a UTI from another person, sexual activity can facilitate the transfer of bacteria between partners, potentially leading to a UTI. It’s essential to practice good hygiene and take preventive measures, such as urinating before and after sexual activity, to reduce the risk of developing a UTI.


UTI Testing & Treatment in Georgia, Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C.

At AllCare, we’re proud to deliver exceptional primary and urgent care to residents across Virginia, Maryland, Washington D.C., and Georgia. From bustling city centers to serene suburban neighborhoods, our clinics are strategically placed for your convenience and care. Experience top-tier UTI testing and UTI treatmet in your community with AllCare, where your health is our priority.

Prioritize your health today: schedule your UTI Testing & Treatment appointment